
Archive for the ‘The Final Decision will be Sonai’ Category

Vanishing dream, of a Golden AP, as was seen by its people, under YSR. Whom to blame ?

January 9, 2010 4 comments

The HM has asked the Chief Minsiter to speed up the probe on the Helicopter Crash in which the most loved and tall leader of Congress and CM lost his life to be speeded up. The intentions and the motive of the channle which gave a irresponsible and malacious false, cooked up, news involving Ambanis should be probed, and a finding on who is intending to damgae the interests of the state to be found.

Has baseless, malicious comments by a TV Channel alleged involvement of Ambani’s, added as a catalyst to the frustrated political activist who did not get any result from Jan 5th All Party meeting with the Home Minister P Chidambaram. 

Issues need to be addressed with fair intentions and clear talk, with great amount of transparency. Delaying and keeping the matter in to a cold freezer is not an option which a bold, result oriented society would expect from the governing body of the time. 

The nation has bigger challenges ahead of it. The state of Andhra Pradesh has seen great positive growth in past decade both the period the TDP got lead by Chandrababu Naidu and Congress govt.  Lead by the leader of the masses and the needy Y S Rajsherker Reddy, who unfortunately could not get the lease of life from the master of our life’s God Almighty. He lived his life king size and served the people of Andhra Pradesh in best of his capabilities, in the time he got to serve them.

The state became an attractive destination of hundreds of multinational companies and business houses of the our nation, both in the times of TDP and YSR lead Congress, the beauty of YSR was he did not reject the policies of the earlier govt of Chandrababu instead he took it as challenge in positive sense to excel and do better than Chandrababu Naidu.

  The advantage in the approach of  YSR was he was doing good and achieving  goals set  both rural and urban AP,  taking along the infrastructure, agricultural, power, welfare, health, administrative, poor, corporate, and the minorities hand in hand it was a magical term he lead.

Which won him and congress the 2009 general elections, and soon the dreadful thing happened to the state of AP, the loss of YSR in an Accident in Nalamala Hills of a fateful rainy day, that had come after a severe drought and harsh summer where in prayers was the order of the day for rains, as the cattle was starving for water and rivers were soaked with no drop of water.

Since the day he is gone nothing went well with AP, there were protests and dissidents in the congress party over the demand of a group in the congress supporting son of YSR, Jangan Mohan Reddy as the CM, state saw violence, burning of placards of Sonia Gandhi, in spite of appeals to calm down from Jagan the unrest, and non co-operation of Ministers and the party leaders with the new Chief Minister continued.

 In the midst of all this state was stuck with drought in many Districts, due to late monsoon, the nature’s fury struck it again in the form of Floods in Parts of Rayalseems, effecting most Kurnool, Alampur, Mahboobnagar, Vijyawada, and few other districts of coastal Andhra the rain was worst since 100 years, killing hundreds, and displaced lakhs, with cities like Kurnool submerged, and hundreds of villages drowned.  

Before even the sludge and clean up of the damage could be dried and life coming back to normal for the flood effected victims in laths in AP, and still the not very efficient relief work in its advance stages, an issue with people some thought is settled, stuck hard in the form of Telangana agitation, by KCR, and his party TRS, KCR, started his hunger strike demanding separate Telangana, in the last week of Nov. 2009.

The agitation got the momentum from the student organizations joining him in his protest and demand for a separate state of Telangana, a demand by the region for over 40 years now, with no respite, some blame the unequal and biased treatment by the rich Costal Andhra bearcats and officials who took the opportunity away from the local residents in the Telanaga dist.

Both regions Telangana and Rayaleema are behind in the representation in govt department on higher positions, and progress on development works and projects when compared to the coastal Andhra region, which once was part of Madras, sarkar districts, before it joined with Telangana to form a great Telugu State, in 1956.  

Otherwise  very calm people in the region got restless and violent  agitative mob on the news of  falling health due to hunger strike by KCR, took to  violence and disturbed the normal life in the city of Hyderabad which otherwise a peaceful and vibrant home for many people from all over the country.

On the eve of 9th Dec 2010 late night a statement on taking forward the formation of Telangana was made by  Home Minster which gave the Telangana People the most expected happiness and joy, on the other hand it triggered agitation in Andhra and Rayalseeema demanding United Andhra, with violent protests and all sorts of scenes by people like Lagapati Rajbgoapal.  Then the H M again in the wake of out bust and burning of AP with sentiments reversed his 9th Dec decision, and called for a wide-ranging consensus on the matter of Tealngana.

The tempers reached to greater ripples, and violence, and bands, and agitations, disturbing the education, business, and normal life in the state.  Then came the announcement of the 5 Jan meeting of all parties to discuss on the issue which also resulted in anticlimax not satisfy both the pro and anti Telangana groups in all the political parties which by now are broken houses with leaders not knowing where they stand as already most of the legislative and parliament members resigned and their resignation pending on the desk of the speaker in AP. AP as become a no party no leader state by this time.  The command and tact of the UPA govt is in command miraculously. 

After all trouble AP has gone thru, an irresponsible and a malicious, news of Ambani’s involvement in conspiring to kill YSR by Telugu Channel on 7th of Jan, which erupted huge reaction by the followers of YSR and hurt the sentiments of the people of AP once again, this is horrific and most damaging and hurting to the people of AP.

This will hurt further the state business community, and hinder the process of consensus and formation a committee to reach to a peaceful solution to the issue of Telangana.   Running by a Telugu Channel is acting a last dump to dump the pride, respect, opportunity, and positive energy the state enjoyed just few month back when YSR, was in command. And people of AP where happy and enjoying the fruits of governance by the Congress govt lead by YSR, under the guidance of his leader and mentor Sonia Gandhi and able PM Manmohan Singh. 

God help AP, Telangana, Andhra, and Rayalseema, and relief the state from further damage, and let the wisdom prevail, in all of us, to sort out our problems, with reasoning and respectfully with grace Amin.

Will the Prayers of Millions help YSR’s son Jagan Declared as CM by Sonia Gandhi.

September 8, 2009 Leave a comment
Will Sonia Gandhi accept Jagan as Shadow of YSR and Capable Loyal Worker of Congress Party or,  Will The Present CM Interm be a Man to Groom Jagan ultimately to the Post of CM in Couple of Years Then to Fight 2014 Elections to Sweep Congress to Power third time again under Jagan. or There will be a Dark horse in the form of Jaipal Reddy.

Will Sonia Gandhi accept Jagan as Shadow of YSR and Capable Loyal Worker of Congress Party or, Will The Present CM Interm be a Man to Groom Jagan ultimately to the Post of CM in Couple of Years Then to Fight 2014 Elections to Sweep Congress to Power third time again under Jagan. or There will be a Dark horse in the form of Jaipal Reddy.

Gradullay the leaders are settling after the weeklong moring follwing the tragic departure of  Rajsheker Reddy the AP C M in misterious and tragic conditions, with a probe ordered for investigation in the Crashi of Helicopter by the A P
Govt Home Minister, the political focus is gradually pointing towads how the High Command will fially resolve the Andhra CM Selction.

 There is a meeting on 10 th of Sept of the A P Legislative Party for this matter. The Quetion is will The Son of YSR be there Choice ? Or there will be a shift from the stand they have taken earlier this is to be seen with great anxiety.

There is a general opinion in the intelectual and political circles of the Capital of A P Hyderabad that, congress Leadership is Commanding the full Control on the States and the Cenral Politic of the leader ship of Smt Sonia Gandhi.

And she has a very firm decission makeing capability and her decission are well thought can not be challenged as  her type of governace and administration of running the party is one that is supported by the politics of cosenses and reasoning leaving no room for resent and discomfort. 

 Hope this time too the Sonia Gandhi Magic will Prevail.

Rosaiah has been in power for less than a week. He was sworn in after YS R Reddy died in a helicopter crash. There is a proposal to allow Rosaiah to continue a little longer, induct Jagan as deputy chief minister under Rosaiah, and then promote him in a year or two after he gains more experience.

But But.. there is this to consider too,  A Chief Minister from Coastal Andhra and a Deputy CM from Rayalseema could fuel the separatist Telangana movement that YSR managed to quell.

Where as the supporters of  Jagan Mohan Reddy YSJ   hold this  firmly they say  “We have only a one-point agenda before the Cabinet. To make Jagan the leader of the Congress Legislature Party.”

Most of these ministers and MLAs were hand-picked by YSR. Support for Jagan is not an issue of loyalty alone, it also involves political survival. The fear in them is how will it be possible for them if there is a change in linage of  control at the top in A P, there loyalty in turn brings them political security and blessings too. Will they be able to survie the  regional brunt and new forces in the party which will try to supress the present. The have not way but to Support Jagan.

The Minorities too are keen to see son of  YSR as CM, they are not going to agitate and embarass the Party and its leaders but are quitly praying in the isolation of there minds in the month of Ramadan to  Allah For Congress Party and   to give  Sonai Gandhi  that she be blessed by Allah to take the decision which is good for the state as only God only Knows what is right  choice the state.

And what, will be good for the poor, downtrodden, the minoriites, and betterment of the state, in general YSR was also sent to serve the peopel of the State by God he did his good work now we should pray that the person who takes the reins will be a selected one by God Almighty too.

But the Congress high command in Delhi worries that Jagan is young, raw and may not be able to fight factionalism within his party. The man currently in the hot seat, Rosiah, makes it clear that the final call will be made in Delhi.

“Everyone will have their own opinion. The Congress leadership, Sonia Gandhi, will decide based on many factors.”

Hope the Cloud will be cleared fully and A P Gets its New leader.