
Archive for the ‘obama’ Category

Nations Make Nuclear Security Agreements at President’s Summit

April 15, 2010 Leave a comment

46 Countries Attending Nuclear Secutiry Summit. Representatives from 46 countries attended President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit April 12-13 in Washington, D.C.

“We have the opportunity, as individual nations, to take specific and concrete actions to secure the nuclear materials in our countries and to prevent illicit trafficking and smuggling,” Obama said. Read more…

Shining Stars,Obama & Rahul

March 26, 2010 1 comment

Rahul Gandhi, on way to see his Vision for Change as reality with the support of Indian Youth.

Rahul Gandhi ji,  is a force which is like the one which emanated in United States of America in the year 2008, a star started to shine, with a definite vision, backed with a golden heart which could hear the pain and the language of the beat of a suffering disadvantaged American, irrespective of Religion, Color, and Caste.  The star to shine on the horizon the galaxies was a humble but, intelligent, humorous, but firm and assertive like a volcano.  I mean my own, Barack Obama, the new voice of the poor, and suffering people of America, and the progressive youth, of America.

He promised change and he kept his promise. He won as President, took tough measures to pull the economy back on track in most adverse condition, still pushing.  He promised a Health care Bill to make health affordable for each American.  He is my angel and his speeches are like songs of hope, inviting breeze of prosperity for US people.

Read more…

“That is what Change looks like” Said Obama.

March 24, 2010 Leave a comment

Moment of Victory, making President Obama, more determined and strong to face the challenges ahea, one of them Peace in MIddle East . Our best wishes are with you Mr. President.

As many Americans on the East Coast got ready for bed at the end of the weekend, the House of Representatives cast the votes needed to make President Obama’s health care proposals a reality.

President Obama spoke to the American people shortly after the bill’s passage March 21, “this is what change looks like,” he said. The bill, which has dominated much of the president’s domestic agenda, has gone through months of work in Congress.

One of the most significant health care reforms in decades, the bill provides more affordable health insurance options, the White House says. Among the provisions, it creates an insurance purchasing pool that will help uninsured Americans select among competitive insurance options. It also provides tax credits for small businesses that purchase health insurance for their employees. It requires most Americans to have health insurance or face fines. (This New York Times graphic shows how it will impact Americans.) Read more…

Categories: Health Care Bill, obama

Obama makes History “Health Care Bill Passed” Yes he can.

March 22, 2010 1 comment

House members hold up signs toward a crowd protesting the health reform bill in front of the Capitol on Sunday.

Washington (CNN) — The House passed on Sunday the Senate’s health care reform bill and a package of measures meant to reconcile differences between the Senate bill and the one it passed last year.

Here’s the latest on what’s happening:

11:48 p.m.: President Obama says that the House’s vote on health care “wasn’t an easy vote but it was the right vote.”

Speaking from the East Room of the White House, the president, who made health care reform a priority for his administration, said the vote wasn’t a victory for a political party but for the American people.

Obama said the reform plan won’t fix everything wrong with the nation’s health care system, “but it moves us decisively in the right direction.”

11:30 p.m.: The House has passed the package of fixes meant to reconcile differences between the bill the House passed last year and the Senate bill it passed earlier Sunday night.

Those vote was 220-211. Read more…

Obama first State of Union Address, calls for unified effort to, counter US Problems.

January 28, 2010 Leave a comment

Obama, sticks to his campaign agenda, floats a bill for job, and extends taxcut to companies, encourages job in and for US job less.

Washington –  News. -Citing a “deficit of trust” in government by the American people, President Obama’s first State of the Union address urged Congress to erode the influence of special interests and work together to confront the nation’s most pressing problems. In the nationally televised speech Wednesday night to a joint session of Congress, Obama sought to reassure Americans angry and nervous about the pace of economic recovery that his government understood the challenges and would act boldly to meet them. The president offered populist proposals that some say could reconnect his administration with middle-class Americans, and he offered a plea to end the partisan stalemate in Washington and work for the common good. Americans “don’t understand why it seems like bad behavior on Wall Street is rewarded but hard work on Main Street isn’t. Or why Washington has been unable or unwilling to solve any of our problems,” Obama said. “They are tired of the partisanship and the shouting and the pettiness. They know we can’t afford it. Not now. ” Rather than fight “the same tired battles that have dominated Washington for decades,” Obama called for a new political climate of “common sense” approaches that invest in the American people without building “a mountain of debt.” Read more…

Obama’s America Signals End of Recession. US Registers 3.5 % Economy Growth.

October 30, 2009 Leave a comment

Armed with cash from government support programs, consumers led the rebound in the third quarter, snapping up cars and homes.

Associated Press Reported on Thurday 29th Oct.The US economy grew at a 3.5 per cent pace in the third quarter, the best showing in two years, fueled by government-supported spending on cars homes.

The Commerce Department’s report Thursday delivered the strongest signal yet that the economy entered a new, though fragile, phase of recovery and that the worst recession since the 1930s has ended.

The much-awaited turnaround ended the streak of four straight quarters of contracting economic activity, the first time that’s happened on records dating to 1947.

It also marked the first increase since the spring of 2008, when the economy experienced a short-lived uptick in growth.

The third-quarter’s performance — the strongest since right before the country fell into recession in December 2007 — was slightly better than the 3.3 per cent growth rate economists expected.

Armed with cash from government support programs, consumers led the rebound in the third quarter, snapping up cars and homes.

Consumer spending on big-ticket manufactured goods soared at an annualized rate of 22.3 per cent in the third quarter, the most since the end of 2001. The jump largely reflected car purchases spurred by the government’s Cash for Clunkers program that offered a rebate of up to $4,500 to buy new cars and trade in old gas-guzzlers.

The housing MARKET also turned a corner in the summer. Spending on housing projects jumped at an annualized pace of 23.4 per cent, the largest jump since 1986. It was the first time since the end of 2005 that spending on housing was positive.

The government’s $8,000 tax credit for first time home buyers, supported the housing rebound. Congress is considering extending the credit, which expires on November 30.

The collapse of the housing market led the country into the recession. Rotten mortgage securities spiraled into a banking crisis. Home foreclosuers surged.

The sector’s return to good health is a crucial ingredient to a sustained economic recovery.

Brisk spending by the federal government, led by efforts to stimulate the economy and on defense, also played into the third-quarter turnaround.

Federal government spending rose at a rate of 7.9 per cent in the third quarter, on top of a 11.4 per cent growth rate in the second quarter.

This is a positve sign for many across globe. It was America which triggered economic recession across globe.

This time hopfully the postive signs in Economic revive in US will gererate positive sentiments in rest of the world too.

Categories: obama

‘Why do people hate you?’ question stuns Obama.

October 18, 2009 Leave a comment

New Orleans (Louisiana), Oct. 16: US President Barack Obama got a blunt question from an unexpected quarter on Thursday — a daring nine-year-old boy who asked “why do people hate you?”

Terry Soctt a 4 th grade, 10 year old, stunned Obama,  with a Question.  A childs mind so observing and blant.

Terry Soctt a 4 th grade, 10 year old, stunned Obama, with a Question. A childs mind so observing and blant.

Mr Obama, caught up in a divisive political row over his plans for healthcare reform, called on the boy, Tyren Scott, in a public meeting during his first visit to hurricane-ravaged New Orleans as President. “I have to say, why do people hate you? They supposed to love you. God is love,” Tyren, from Paulina, Louisiana asked.

Mr Obama, appeared tickled by the question, saying “hey, that’s what I’m talking about,” adding “I did get elected President, so not everybody hates me now… I got a whole lot of votes.”

“If you were watching TV lately, it seems like everybody’s just getting mad all the time. And you know, I think that you’ve got to take it with a grain of salt. Some of it is just what’s called politics.

”Are words coming faster than actions”  ? For Obama.


Mr Obama also promised that he would not forget the lingering misery of hurricane-ravaged New Orleans. Facing claims his stay of less than four hours gave short shrift to pledges to New Orleans he made as a candidate, Mr Obama vowed not to repeat the “failure of government” seen after Hurricane Katrina lashed the city in 2005. “The government was not adequately prepared, and did not adequately respond,” Mr Obama said, just over four years after the Katrina’s storm.

US People growing warth  on various fronts.  Obama to act fast to do the damage control of  his image ?

However, in recent times Barack Obama has been facing the wrath of the US people for various reasons including the gay laws to the troops in Afghanistan which increased further after he was declared the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. And handling of the Middle East, and Israeli. The stretching of Isreal and its voilations  and disrespect to the religious sites by Isreali Police is seen   disrespect to the authority of US and the President of America.

Nobel Obama’s Noble Gesture.

October 10, 2009 Leave a comment

His concern is the desadvantaged and needy in the World should be comforted and hleped, ang given equal oppertunity. The resourse of the rich to be used to help the poor.

His concern is the desadvantaged and needy in the World should be comforted and hleped, ang given equal oppertunity. The resourse of the rich to be used to help the poor.


US President Barack Obama will give his $US1.42 million ($A1.57 million) reward for winning the Nobel Peace Prize to charity, a US official says.

No decision has yet been taken on exactly which organizations will benefit, the official said on Friday.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said earlier on Friday that Obama will accept the Nobel Prize in person.

The gold medal, diploma and a cherub for 10 million Swedish kronor ($A1.57 million) are due to be presented in Oslo on December 10 on the anniversary of the death in 1896 of the Nobel Prize creator, Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel.

It will be very interesting to see how Mr. Obama will distribute this money, and to whom.  

His giving of Charity to educate many the value of sharing as a human being.

 All that comes our way is with a tag of sharing partners to it.  Many tend to ignore the tag attached, and consider it is there earning and none has a share in it.

 The truth is ever reward and every material gain we are blessed is with us for us to understand that we are just a medium to receive and transfer to the real share holders and the people less blessed.

We have in it for us too, the discretion is ours to hold some or give all.

 The example Obama is setting is he likes to share all his prize money, as he is blessed, and does not need to advance his comfort all this surely is surplus.

A great way and a great thought and lesson for the people of the world.

A verse of Quranic Revelation on chairty and how  God tests  Righteousness.

[2:177]  Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in GOD, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to free the slaves; and they observe the Contact Prayers  and give the obligatory charity ; and they keep their word whenever they make a promise; and they steadfastly persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and war. These are the truthful; these are the righteous

let us be guided rightly  and remain caring towards the sould who need our support. amin.




Obama’s Magic Stand, that got him Nobel Peace Prize 2009.

October 10, 2009 Leave a comment


Nobel Peace Prize for OBAMA will strengthen universal brotherhood. and peace

Nobel Peace Prize for OBAMA will strengthen universal brotherhood. and peace

 Obama as a true Nobel said “.. I do not feel I deserve to be in the company of so many…. Who’ve been honored by this prize…

“This is not how I expected to wake up this morning,” the president said, after hearing that the  Norwegian Nobel Committee had awarded him with the prestigious Nobel Prize for Peace. “I am both surprised and deeply humbled,” he said, and “do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.”

“To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who’ve been honored by this prize — men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace,” he said.


Let us go back to the times when there was no Obama, on the horizon of the world communities, and nations.

Peace was just a word which had lost its meaning, the word peace was put to shame laying low in the books of history, and hundreds of resolutions passed by various organizations of dozens of countries united and individually. Hundreds of UN General Assembly resolutions and dictates disrespected and forgotten.

Pre Obama World how it looked

The World Pre Obama had little inclination for model of co existence among the people of the world, respecting the color, region, religion, and culture. The level of intolerance was high; the level of mistrust was high too.

The Common American white and black with roots in continents apart, belonging to multiple faiths, and schools of thought once on the day Osama delivered his inaugural speech stood in the cold evening in Washington with a hope to see a new and fresh air of hope to live with courage, happiness, equality, respect and care u Hownder this new son of America Barrack Husain Obama, as he called himself on the day he delivered his historic speech, with tears of joy and shedding of pain and hope to live in peace here after. God Willing.

The Challenges were big, they still are big.

The Challenges on economic, social, regional, nuclear disarming, people to people contact, bridging the gap between the faiths, image of American nation, winning friends, seeing world as one nation with one people.  With common goal, to give opportunities, to the people of the world.  With a dialogue on issues faced by the people of our time.  Respecting for American nation and happy association with the people of the World.  

Obama’s Magic Stand which won him the Nobel.

Obama Did the Magic by communicating one single message to the people of the World we live in. And that one thing is “He Expressed true intention that he loves this World and its people and he like each one of us to do so” All those who feel and think now or, in the past or in future time immemorial are the winner of this peace prize which Obama is Decorated with. When

 Obama in the minds of the Nobel Committee.

 But Norwegian Nobel Committee Chairman Thorbjorn Jagland announced the decision in Oslo, he compared President Obama to other peace prize winners such as former West Berlin mayor Willy Brandt and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, whose own reform efforts had not been achieved when they received the prize.

 He also said the Nobel will give Momentum to confront the common challenges

The president said the prize has been used to “give momentum” to causes, and he said he sees the award, which will be given in Oslo December 10, as “a call to action” for the United States and all nations to “confront the common challenges of the 21st century

Can Critics answer the Question raised by Chairman Nobel Committee.

“The Question we have to ask is who has done the most in the previous year to enhance peace in the world,” Jagland said. “And who has done more than Barack Obama?”

This one question asked by the Chairmen of Noble Committee is enough to put to rest the questions and objections raised by some in the few quarters of the vast world community we have. 

Critics,  help World With Peace and Join Obama he needs your help.  

The mixed reactions are welcome, there has to be a reason for people, to better their performance in future. As we say there is room for improvement always. Are you satisfied now, my dear critic?  Take care let the Angel  do his  good job.


Obama gets Nobel Peace Price. World joyfully reacts “Obama is Peace Massiah”

October 9, 2009 Leave a comment
Our Obama is Peace Messanger of the World. We support you Obama you gave hope for Peace in Middle East and Nations of the World.  Congratulations.

Our Obama is Peace Messanger of the World. We support you Obama you gave hope for Peace in Middle East and Nations of the World. Congratulations.


Obama strived for world peace and international co operation among, religions, regions, colors, and people of the world, from the moment he took office as President of America.

Barack Obama has won the Nobel eace Prize for 2009.  The prize comes less than nine months into his Presidency.

The prize committee praised  Obama for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples…very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future.

There were a record 205 nominees for this year’s peace prize. Obama will receive the award on December 10. It includes a gold medal, a special diploma and 10 million Swedish kronor (1.4 million dollars).

Obama is the third sitting US President to be awarded the prize, following Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 and Woodrow Wilson in 1919. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter won in 2002.

Obama Makes America,   and the World Proud. 
The World is full of peace it is scattered it has to be brought under one roof and neurtuered. 
I am sure the nations of the world and more specifically the people involved in Middle East Peace Process will take this as a signal which will sent a message that in Obama’s time settlement to the age old Middle East Problem is Possible.
The Islamic World would be encouraged as this will open a big highway for interreligious understanding and unity among faiths and regions of the world.
It gives hope for Obamanians and confidence in his School of thought. Obama deserves the award and the world in one voice today will congratulate him on this mile stone for Obama.