
Posts Tagged ‘Sonia Gandhi’

” Is Sonia Gandhi Living Legacy of Indira Gandhi ? ”

May 31, 2010 1 comment

Sonia in Centre seen with Mother Inlaw Late Indira Gandhi, Husband Late Rajiv Gandhi Son Rahul with Rajiv, Priyanka in front of her. Also seen are Maneka Gandhi behind Sonia and Varun Gandhi left of Indira. See the amount of sacrifice of Gandhi's and Sonia. Sonia lost most in her Rajiv and Indira.

A  Friend of Mine who is from Bihar now staying in Canada by Name Anwar Khurisheed  has commented on one of my articles in this week on  YSR jr.  He wrote. “am little concern over congress high commands over congress dealing with prominent state leaders.

Like Janga Mohan Reddy in AP is not first state, High command & INA IN Delhi had serious conflict and problems in other state to, Recently, a little more than a month back there was differences & complication between Mr.Jagdish Tytler and congress chief of Bihar Pradesh Congress committee, Where assembly Election is right at the corner in November…

How Congress is going obtain majority in States and on national front when” THE STATE OF THE CONGRESS AUTHOROTIES IN THE CENTER IS NOT IN A GOOD STATE ITSELF “They need to have a ‘INDIRA GANDHI’ approach to deal with party leaders, OR the absence of congress is going to be felt again as after the Death of Indira ji & Rajiv ji

In my reply to him I wrote.

Brother Khursheed, it is true Congress has tough shoulders to its big leaders in many instances, it happened in Bihar, In Maharashtra with Sharad Pawar, with few more. The choice these people give congress are little too. We have to see, Congress has to survive on the merits of its performance, its cadre, and it politics of holding control in states at all costs. Read more…

Wisdom Path for High Command and Jr YSR. Politics of Confrontation damaging for Congress, and State.

May 29, 2010 3 comments

Jagan Mohan Reddy son of Lat YSR, on Cross Roads, of his Political Carrier.  Is he politically right ? In wake of  drama and  preventive arrest of J Mohan Reddy yesterday in Nalagonda, followed by  TRS protests, and divided views of  political big wigs and sences of indicipline  and  The TRS has called for a Telangana bandh on Saturday while Jagan loyalists replied with a bandh call of their own in Kadapa. Makes me think that things are bit complicated and not sailing smooth in AP for Congress.

There is not much this young leader of Congress and son of Late Shri YSR, is going to gain from this exercise, except, some publicity. He has to be accepted as a mass leader by all in the state like his father, to make in roads in to the cadre and Corngress Party. He has to find friends in all regions of the state, Telengana, Rayalseema, and Andhra. Jangan Mohan Reddy is from Rayalseema. Read more…

Categories: Congress in AP

Vanishing dream, of a Golden AP, as was seen by its people, under YSR. Whom to blame ?

January 9, 2010 4 comments

The HM has asked the Chief Minsiter to speed up the probe on the Helicopter Crash in which the most loved and tall leader of Congress and CM lost his life to be speeded up. The intentions and the motive of the channle which gave a irresponsible and malacious false, cooked up, news involving Ambanis should be probed, and a finding on who is intending to damgae the interests of the state to be found.

Has baseless, malicious comments by a TV Channel alleged involvement of Ambani’s, added as a catalyst to the frustrated political activist who did not get any result from Jan 5th All Party meeting with the Home Minister P Chidambaram. 

Issues need to be addressed with fair intentions and clear talk, with great amount of transparency. Delaying and keeping the matter in to a cold freezer is not an option which a bold, result oriented society would expect from the governing body of the time. 

The nation has bigger challenges ahead of it. The state of Andhra Pradesh has seen great positive growth in past decade both the period the TDP got lead by Chandrababu Naidu and Congress govt.  Lead by the leader of the masses and the needy Y S Rajsherker Reddy, who unfortunately could not get the lease of life from the master of our life’s God Almighty. He lived his life king size and served the people of Andhra Pradesh in best of his capabilities, in the time he got to serve them.

The state became an attractive destination of hundreds of multinational companies and business houses of the our nation, both in the times of TDP and YSR lead Congress, the beauty of YSR was he did not reject the policies of the earlier govt of Chandrababu instead he took it as challenge in positive sense to excel and do better than Chandrababu Naidu.

  The advantage in the approach of  YSR was he was doing good and achieving  goals set  both rural and urban AP,  taking along the infrastructure, agricultural, power, welfare, health, administrative, poor, corporate, and the minorities hand in hand it was a magical term he lead.

Which won him and congress the 2009 general elections, and soon the dreadful thing happened to the state of AP, the loss of YSR in an Accident in Nalamala Hills of a fateful rainy day, that had come after a severe drought and harsh summer where in prayers was the order of the day for rains, as the cattle was starving for water and rivers were soaked with no drop of water.

Since the day he is gone nothing went well with AP, there were protests and dissidents in the congress party over the demand of a group in the congress supporting son of YSR, Jangan Mohan Reddy as the CM, state saw violence, burning of placards of Sonia Gandhi, in spite of appeals to calm down from Jagan the unrest, and non co-operation of Ministers and the party leaders with the new Chief Minister continued.

 In the midst of all this state was stuck with drought in many Districts, due to late monsoon, the nature’s fury struck it again in the form of Floods in Parts of Rayalseems, effecting most Kurnool, Alampur, Mahboobnagar, Vijyawada, and few other districts of coastal Andhra the rain was worst since 100 years, killing hundreds, and displaced lakhs, with cities like Kurnool submerged, and hundreds of villages drowned.  

Before even the sludge and clean up of the damage could be dried and life coming back to normal for the flood effected victims in laths in AP, and still the not very efficient relief work in its advance stages, an issue with people some thought is settled, stuck hard in the form of Telangana agitation, by KCR, and his party TRS, KCR, started his hunger strike demanding separate Telangana, in the last week of Nov. 2009.

The agitation got the momentum from the student organizations joining him in his protest and demand for a separate state of Telangana, a demand by the region for over 40 years now, with no respite, some blame the unequal and biased treatment by the rich Costal Andhra bearcats and officials who took the opportunity away from the local residents in the Telanaga dist.

Both regions Telangana and Rayaleema are behind in the representation in govt department on higher positions, and progress on development works and projects when compared to the coastal Andhra region, which once was part of Madras, sarkar districts, before it joined with Telangana to form a great Telugu State, in 1956.  

Otherwise  very calm people in the region got restless and violent  agitative mob on the news of  falling health due to hunger strike by KCR, took to  violence and disturbed the normal life in the city of Hyderabad which otherwise a peaceful and vibrant home for many people from all over the country.

On the eve of 9th Dec 2010 late night a statement on taking forward the formation of Telangana was made by  Home Minster which gave the Telangana People the most expected happiness and joy, on the other hand it triggered agitation in Andhra and Rayalseeema demanding United Andhra, with violent protests and all sorts of scenes by people like Lagapati Rajbgoapal.  Then the H M again in the wake of out bust and burning of AP with sentiments reversed his 9th Dec decision, and called for a wide-ranging consensus on the matter of Tealngana.

The tempers reached to greater ripples, and violence, and bands, and agitations, disturbing the education, business, and normal life in the state.  Then came the announcement of the 5 Jan meeting of all parties to discuss on the issue which also resulted in anticlimax not satisfy both the pro and anti Telangana groups in all the political parties which by now are broken houses with leaders not knowing where they stand as already most of the legislative and parliament members resigned and their resignation pending on the desk of the speaker in AP. AP as become a no party no leader state by this time.  The command and tact of the UPA govt is in command miraculously. 

After all trouble AP has gone thru, an irresponsible and a malicious, news of Ambani’s involvement in conspiring to kill YSR by Telugu Channel on 7th of Jan, which erupted huge reaction by the followers of YSR and hurt the sentiments of the people of AP once again, this is horrific and most damaging and hurting to the people of AP.

This will hurt further the state business community, and hinder the process of consensus and formation a committee to reach to a peaceful solution to the issue of Telangana.   Running by a Telugu Channel is acting a last dump to dump the pride, respect, opportunity, and positive energy the state enjoyed just few month back when YSR, was in command. And people of AP where happy and enjoying the fruits of governance by the Congress govt lead by YSR, under the guidance of his leader and mentor Sonia Gandhi and able PM Manmohan Singh. 

God help AP, Telangana, Andhra, and Rayalseema, and relief the state from further damage, and let the wisdom prevail, in all of us, to sort out our problems, with reasoning and respectfully with grace Amin.

Dynastic Culture in Indian Politics.

January 4, 2010 1 comment
What is so magical about them, the Gandhi’s. India has loved them so much they have governed for more than 45 years and still governing and going strong. Is it quality of leadership, integirty, sacrifice, love of people, or just the family. I don’t think it can be just the family they have more in them.
Are they Smarter Families, or is it  Just, “Luck by chance.”

Every person dedicated to give his best and contribute positively in affairs of the nation and its people under any political setup, can not be sidelined, as long as he puts nation before self. Having said this.

India is no different from nations of the world, when it comes to growing influence of families that take. centre stage in politics of nations. Read more…

PC’s “Wide ranging consultations on Telangana” greeted with, “Wide ranging arson, protests and resignations of most MP’s and MLA’s in Telangana”. Will the word “Wide” declare congress google as a wide.

December 24, 2009 1 comment

A gutted Bus standing as a witness to the kind of problem the state of Andhra Pradesh is riding on, due to lack of wisdom in our political brethern, the issue of Telangana has taken a very wild turn after the 23rd statement reversing the 9th Dec stand on formation of new state of Telnagna.

On the 23rd of Dec 2009 a U-turn on formation of  Telangana came in the form of a Statement by the UPA Govt  from Home Minister P Chidambaram made in brief statement saying “a large number of political parties are divided on the issue”.

“There is a need to hold wide-ranging consultations with all political parties and groups in the state. Government of India will take steps to involve all concerned in the process,” he said at a hurriedly called press conference. He read out a four para statement but took no questions.

Justifying the December 9 statement made by him on initiating the process for forming Telangana state, Chidambaram said “however, after the statement the situation has altered.

This change in heart came due to counter agitation  in Andhra and backing out by the opposition parties like TDP and PRP who where in favour of  formation of Telanaga State took also a U Turn post 9th Dec, under pressure from there leaders and MLA’s and MP’s of their party.

The statement given by PC wanting  ” wide-ranging consultations on Telangana”  has shown no signs of any of the parties in the arena of Andhra Rayalseema and Telangana conflict agreeing to take the advice of the Home Minister to sit and discuss the area of conflict and reach to a consensus. But a wide range of protests, incidents arson, damaging of property,road blocks,  resignations of MP’s and MLA’s from Telangana, and massive agitating crowds in villages, district headquarters, and universities came on roads to protest and paralyse the normal life and threaten the peace and property both govt. and public.  How long this will go on none knowns.

The selection of the word  “Wide ranging” has played the havoc, the statement was not worded properly, the objection of the Telangana TRS leader is the Govt has betrayed the people of Telangana and the absence of time frame and clarity on Telangana is unacceptable and amounts to a betrayal to the Region and  of Telangana and its people.

The state has gone in to worst mode, as all the MP’s from the Telangana region are reported to have submitted their resignations to the Lok Sabha Speaker.

The Turmoil has entered in to a phase with advantage to the Andhra agitation which was for united Andhra Pradesh and against the formation of Telangana state, and disadvantage to the Region of Telangana.  This is like a Tennis Match there will be many game to be played before the final set is played.

Who are players, who is the match referee no one knows, there is a hint on the referee,  but the teams  have mixed up, the player who  plays  for whom is know one knows.   The poor spectator, the people of the state are at  risk as always.

“Cat on the Wall” Politicians Punished, in Telangana. Statement of PC added fuel to fire in AP.

December 24, 2009 Leave a comment

For a change the Politician at the receiving end. Law is on a holiday in Andhra Pradesh, and TRS chief says Andhra Pradesh is non-existent.

The Cat on the Wall Position of various Political Parties, and the Politicians for several years in the Sate of  Andhra Pradesh over the Issue of formation of state of Telangana entered an absolutely intolerable stage in the recent times.

Since the 9th Dec Statement by the Home Minister P Chidambaram which was clear and in favour of formation of a state for Telangana Region, In his statement Mr. P C said the govt will like to start the process of carving a separate state of Telangana looking in the aspirations and concerns of the demands by the people of the Telangana region.

The Political parties couple of days prior to the central govt statement in favour of Telnagana State formation witnessed willingness and a clear stand in favour of Telangana by the Political Parties leaders like TDP Chadrababu Naidu and PRP Chiranjeevi supporting the formation of a state and to move a resolution to this effect in the state assembly.

The sentiments both Telangana and in Andhra Regions are so widely raised among the Political Parties that the Political Party heads found it almost reduced them to non performing heads of the parties with no control what so ever on any of the MLS’s and MP’s and the cadre, in such situation seeing the turmoil the same leaders who supported for the formation of a separate state backed out and started blaming the govt and the Home Minister for untimely and midnight drama and a hasty  by the Centre, in favour of Telangana with our takeing in to account the parties concerned.

This was seen as a major set back in the translate on the latest statement given on the eve of Christmas from the Congress High Command thru Home Minister Chidambaram where in he indicated almost as putting the Issue of Telangana on Back burner due to a  fortnight of intense campaign by leaders of coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions against bifurcation of the state which was countered by pro-Telangana groups, Home Minister P Chidambaram made a brief statement saying “a large number of political parties are divided on the issue”.

“There is a need to hold wide-ranging consultations with all political parties and groups in the state. Government of India will take steps to involve all concerned in the process,” he said at a hurriedly called press conference. He read out a four para statement but took no questions.

Justifying the December 9 statement made by him on initiating the process for forming Telangana state, Chidambaram said “however, after the statement the situation has altered.

Chidambaram’s announcement drew immediate condemnation from TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao who met leaders of various parties from the region and called it a “betrayal”.  This erupted wide range of violence and arson in the State Capital  Hyderabad of Andhra Pradesh. The students of Osmania University  greeted the TDP leaders Nagam Janardhan Reddy and likes with Chappell and damaged their vehicles, in protest to their action of playing politics of Cat on the Wall by keeping the issue of  Telangana on Hanger and allowing to dry.

Political Clarity and truthful political culture is missing, in all the political parties of the Nation, each is working to promote and strengthen its base with no concern or value for what the people want we are a democracy but with a difference how different are we democratic to make it easy for the political system to make us mere spectators.

22nd Dec. a Big Day , PM to give statement on Telangana, All parties keep fingures crossed.

December 22, 2009 1 comment

Can his statement satisfy all regions of AP, Telangana, Andhra, and Rayalseema today. It is tough, AP keeps figures crossed much depends on his statement, which direction AP will take.

Today is a very crucial test of ability and skills of political wisdom for Prime Minster Dr Manmohan Singh.

As after a month long agitation on pro and anti Telangana by Various Political Parties, members of parliament and assemble protesting and many MLA’s resigning in protest to the statement made by the Home Minister P Chidambaram on 9th of Dec night, on the eve of a protest rally by the Telangana protestors on 10 in Hyderabad the state capital of Andhra Pradesh.

The statement diffused the agitation for separate Telengana and prompted the Leader of Separate Telangana Movement K C Rao of TRS breaking his 11 days old hunger strike in NIMS hospital in Hyderabad, statement on Home Minister change the mood from agitation to celebration and distribution of sweets and night lit by crackers and profuse celebration in the districts of Telangana, The people of Telangana appreciated the gesture of the Sonia Gandhi and the Congress Party and looked forward to it formation at the earliest.

But the celebration did not last long as the day progressed on 10th of Dec several MLS’s across party line resigned in protest to the statement given by Chidambaram the Home Minister demanding unified Andhra to remain.

The chorus on this demand was supported by the Congress party MP’s and MLA’s too, they where to most active in protest, going totally against the dictates of the party high command the Congress leaders on the State from Rayalseema, and Costal Andhra. The agitative mood and aggressive expression over night shifted from Telangana shifted to otherwise peaceful and disciplined regions of Costal Andhra and Rayalseema. The agitators burned and damaged public property and disturbed normal life in cities like many cities and districts of Andhra and Rayalseema regions of A P.

The reaction from political parties which heralded the cause of formation of Telangana in 2009 Elections TDP and PRP not able to control the situation by resignations of many of the Andhra and Raylseema MLS’s back tracked on the issue of Telangana under the changed circumstances, diluting there political stand on separate state of Telangana, This is Politics we can expect the unexpected by our political leaders even the likes of Chnadrababu and Chiranjeevi could spare themselves.

With several Hunger strikes by business interests giants like Rajgopal MP from Congress, and brother of YSR joining the voice to keep the state united, with many others in various districts protesting the complication and uncertainty increased in the state. The Central leadership of congress kept its vigil and the state CM Roshiah kept and tried to keep the conditions under control with mix of success and failure. Add to the fire to the fury the many hero of Andhra agitation to keep AP united in his 8th day of hunger strike broke the police bandobast and sneaked out of the govt hospital in Vijaywada on 10th 10 15 pm only to be surfaced in dramatic manner in NIMS hospital, on 21st Dec this embarrassed the state govt and the police dept.

As this was not enough Rajgopal ( Lagapati) MP’s who is protesting against formation of Telangana added like a catalyst to the separate Telangana agitator who where silent and were in mood of celebration and waiting for the govt to being the process of the resolution and the formation of the state of Telangana, became violent and protested at the NIMS against the stand taken by Lagapati Rajgopal MP the leader of united Andhra Agitation.

The situation has become worst and the tempers on both sides have grown. Andhra Pradesh a otherwise a peaceful and state which produce thousands of engineers, and IT professional keep its young section of the population busy with intense involvement in studies is harming its main asset base knowledge and educational discipline.

What ever is to be done the key would be it has to done quickly and make things clear and allow the minds to rest and settle. All representatives of the parties involved to the conflict, Telangana, Costal Andhra, Rayalseema and the Central Govt and the State Govt should enter in to a close door dialogue for several session and reach to common terms and amicably solve this issue to the benefit of all parties concern.

The tempers are high and damage is huge this will percolate further and could harm in a way it could be a point of no return.

Dr. Singh Please do your best and let the state and its people agree to your advice and decision as PM of the Nation and a person who cares for the aspirations of lakhs of people of AP and its regions.

Sonia Gandhi as I understand, Can not be so wrong on a Issue so Important. Telangana and Andhra.

December 10, 2009 1 comment

The Tough and Deciplned leader of Congress the chances are less on her going wrong as she takes her calls after great calcultions and advice on a well set plan. Hope this time in the case of Telangana and the interest of AP People she will not be proved wrong

Sonia Gandhi as I understand and the Congress as I understand, can’t be so wrong in such a Important Issue. There will be more and much more, to what our eyes and ears see and hear, in Andhra Pradesh as of now.

We know this leader of Congress Sonia Gandhi as a Visionary, and the leaders supporting and advising her are never seen to be in haste to comit on any major or minor issue, we have seen that happening in the past on several issues, local, political, international, administrative and foreign.

 The Congress party under the ledaership of Smt. Sonia Gandhi has gained respect and dignity of being wise and firm in there actions and very diplomatic,  we have seen them move a step  back only to bounce back.

We have seen major upsets in the past, like Sonia Gandhi her self turned the tables over the BJP and its allies when the issue of  her becoming the PM after the victory of Congress in the year 2004, the opposition was willing and ready to go on streets on the issue of foreign origin and her being a foreighner.

 The surprice decission in the form of projecting a Minority Sikh Community a low and humble person like Manmohan Singh promoted to be the PM of India and so sucessful he has proved for the country. 

I expect  we have seen only the poster of the events till now, there will be many to unfold as the time passes the situation will be cleared and hopfully for the best and good of the state.

The unfortunate part is we are surrounded with a most active and sensitive Politicaly active parties and their followers.

The commom man is with a little say in all that happens around him,  the media, and the men in power find it easy today, with the power and money at their disposal,  to manipulate most of the things to mend to help there interests.

What the, sensible among the lot, would do in a situation when the constitutional, and  legitimate means of fulfilling demands in the parameters of rule of law and the constitutional rights and democratic means, fails.   Then the means of political manupulation and smartness and expolitation will come to the fore front,  when blackmail, and breaking of law and insighting and misguiding the innocent becomes the rule of the land.

Then the books of Political Manupulation take the front seat and produce,  the music which will be hard to hear,  but will make the air clean and clear.  It may take a little more time than the other means.

Hopefully this time too Congress with its think tank will keep the states and its people’s interests  alive.  Hopefully  Congress  will live up to the pormises it made to the people of all the regions of Andhra Pradesh in 2009 general election and the voices raised and comitments made by its late Chief Minsiter who lost his life in tragic helicopter accident few months back. 

In the last lap of campaighn of the Assemble and Parliament elections Late Dr. YSR the then Chief Minister went to the extent to appeal to the Andhra People in Costal and Rayalseema Regions that if  Mahakuttumbh lead by  TDP comes to power they will not be allowed to enter even in Hyderabad, and the State would be divided and Telengana would be formed it is him and the Congress which will keep the state Intact and will safegaurd the interests of all the regions faithfully.

And the people of  Telangana saw three elections and should  the desperation been so harsh, they should have rejected the all the parties who did not support openly   Telangana.    They  should have voted decicively for Telangana  by voting  TRS in Telengana.  That whould have saved all this confussion and pain and disregard to the Region of Telengana and Andhra.    

We like to see the state and its people prosper and build this strong and rich state by providing further strength by keeping it united and supporting the areas neglected to be on par with the developped coastal region of  Andhra with  oppertunity to all its people.

Categories: politics, Uncategorized

Telangana State – Very Close to be Real. Part 1 ( history )

December 10, 2009 Leave a comment

KCR leader of TRS emerged as a Hero in the recent Agitation for Rights of Telengana People.

Is the state of AP at the verge of replaying  what happened  40 years by the Jai Telengana Movement led by Late Channa Reddy, in late sixties. It was the Congress Party in Power in State aswell as in the State same like this time in 2009-10. The difference today is Congress did not have the type of opposition it has today to tackle in the  Parliament and  assembly. It will be difficult for Congress to keep mum this time, there will be action now.

This time it was TRS Telengana Rashtria Samitihi leader Chandrasheker Rao, who in past several years right from his breaking away from TDP due to political differences with its leader Charndrababu Naidu, formed a political party to raise the issue of Telangana and fight for the rights of the people of  Telengana. Congress was in Opposition then, and Congress was happy that this is a blessing in disguise to get the power back from TDP which was ruling from 9 odd years due to efficient administration, and popular schemes of Chandra Babu Naidu and his image of a CEO of the State making his popular internationally.

Telengana  Region  has its share of  history of discrimination by the powerful Andhra Business Community, and the officials and the political leaders who mostly hailed from  Coastal Andhra or  Rayalseema regions of AP,  headed the helm of affairs in the State since the time it was formed in 1956 by re organization of states on the basis of Language in the period of  Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.

The Congress Party was not willing to take any chance and was desperate to defeat Chandra Babu Naidu and get the most important sate in south India to Conquer the Power at the Centre by defeating the BJP and its allies the NDA in 2004. 

Chandrababu Naidu had major set backs when is was to face the elections in 2004 both for Parliament and as well as the State, one the Farmers dissatisfaction on the power and irrigation issue, secondly the govt employees was fedup with him for Head Master stlye of fuctioning.

The Minorities who were deceived by him as he fought the elections with out an alliance with the BJP,  on gaining numbers traded with the numbers won due the votes of Muslim Minorities in the Elections to gain he political grip on the NDA and compromising on Gujrat Roits and Narender Modi govt.

TRS became the allie of Congress and defeated the TDP with a land slide victory but the TRS was not impressive it got the support of the Congress votes and advantage due to alliance with the Congress.

The honey moon was not long and kCR had  resigned with his colleagues from the central Ministry in UPA. Soon he shifted to BJP and then to TDP and then Joined hands with almost all forces in the Political arena, to keep the TRS active. There were allegation with in the party with leaders leaving TRS and raising allegations of corruption and sale of Tickets within the party for the contesting the MLA and MP elections. There were times when the Head Quarters of the TRS had become centre of all controversies and times was deserted for months.

The failure to impact in the Elections in 2009 Assembly and Lok Sabha. The party saw erosion of its political base and the sentiments on telengana and the sympathiser was not reaching the polling station to vote for TRS. Some how the party was getting isolated and loosing its grip on its cadre and many a times the cadre turned against the leader and other leaders of  TRS for inciting sentiments and not doing enough to support the cause of Telengana.

Then came the Hunger Strike and the student Agitation in Osmania University in the State Capital of Hyderabad in the month of Nov 2009 which changed the whole dynamics of the agitation for Telengana.    

 The Agitation all these years which was peaceful suddently took a voilent turn with actions of damage to the property and loss of lifes due to self amolition of supporters of TRS and stundents in favour of formation of Telengana State. There was a moment when the TRS leader broke his fast in the early statges of his fast and the state saw reaction and burning of afiggies of TRS leader Chandrasheker Rao and protests against him.

When he gave a statement that he was forcefully made to break the fast by the doctors the matter subsided and the momentum for the agitionwent in to a serious mode with KCR continueing his fast putting pressure on the Ruling Congress Party.  Ultimately congress giving in for the demand instructed the state govt to table a resolution in favour of formation to recommend a State of Telangana to value the aspirations of the people of Telangana with a statement by the Home Minister Mr. P Chidambaram late night on 9th of Dec 2009, which triggered celebrations in Telengana and made KCR and the agitators heros of the Agitation. How real and how quick this will happen is to be seen.

First Meeting of Junior YSR Jagan with Sonia Gandhi.

October 22, 2009 Leave a comment
Jagan Mohan Reddy in Delhi, met High Command, Much depends on this meeting, how the state of AP takes final call post Assembly Elections which gave Congress Victory.

Jagan Mohan Reddy in Delhi, met High Command, Much depends on this meeting, how the state of AP takes final call post Assembly Elections which gave Congress Victory.

 Jagan said  Sonia said. “Leave it to me  Jagan, I will take care of You”

Jaganmohan Reddy, son of late Y.S.Rajasekhar Reddy after meeting Congress President Sonia Gandhi at her residence in New Delhi on Thursday. Said,

After his one-hour meeting with her, Jaganmohan shared,

 “I have been assured that my interests will be looked into, I will strengthen the party and I am with Sonia Gandhi and the party.”

There is little doubt about what’s on his agenda. Jaganmohan is accompanied by Ramachandra Rao, who was close to YSR Reddy, and is the man behind the Jagan-for-Chief Minister Campaign.  

In the meeting with Sonia the Congress leader Ahmed Patel was present too. Jagan also met Veerappa Moily Congress leader incharge for AP.

He met  Congress President Sonia Gandhi at her residence here amid demands by his supporters to make him chief minister of Andhra Pradesh.

 This is the first visit of Mr. Jaganmohan to the national capital after the death of his father in a helicopter crash.

The meeting between Ms. Gandhi and Mr. Jaganmohan lasted for over an hour but he refused to comment on what was discussed between the two.

On Wednesday, the 37-year-old first-time MP from Kadapa had sought an appointment with the Congress President.

His supporters must have kept there fingures crossed to know the out come of the meeting.  YSR son the MP is contender for the Post of CM in AP which the High command kept in indecisive mode due to Assembly Elections in States of Maharastra, Arunchal and Haryana.

How the Highcomnad moves now is to be seen the chances are bright for Jagan and he has to be given a greater role in the state politics, head the state as CM or help the Congress at the Centre  as the Central Minsiter will be known oon.

State needs dynamic leadership and comitted leader so does the centre.  We need to know how Sonia Gandhi will move in the direction of giving final view on future of  Jagan Mohan Reddy, and his supports from AP.

Jagan with the press

His interaction with the Press out side the Residence of Sonia Gandhi, revealed  Jagan Mohan Reddy has given an impression of a obident worker of Congress Party and he expressed he has faith in her and she will do the best and he will abide by her decision.

However when asked to comment of  the possibiility of him projected as CM and the talk about his claim he tactfully with great humility avoided the question with no clear answer.

He said speculative talks will not be good was the impression Jagan gave to the media.