
Posts Tagged ‘Manmohan Singh’

22nd Dec. a Big Day , PM to give statement on Telangana, All parties keep fingures crossed.

December 22, 2009 1 comment

Can his statement satisfy all regions of AP, Telangana, Andhra, and Rayalseema today. It is tough, AP keeps figures crossed much depends on his statement, which direction AP will take.

Today is a very crucial test of ability and skills of political wisdom for Prime Minster Dr Manmohan Singh.

As after a month long agitation on pro and anti Telangana by Various Political Parties, members of parliament and assemble protesting and many MLA’s resigning in protest to the statement made by the Home Minister P Chidambaram on 9th of Dec night, on the eve of a protest rally by the Telangana protestors on 10 in Hyderabad the state capital of Andhra Pradesh.

The statement diffused the agitation for separate Telengana and prompted the Leader of Separate Telangana Movement K C Rao of TRS breaking his 11 days old hunger strike in NIMS hospital in Hyderabad, statement on Home Minister change the mood from agitation to celebration and distribution of sweets and night lit by crackers and profuse celebration in the districts of Telangana, The people of Telangana appreciated the gesture of the Sonia Gandhi and the Congress Party and looked forward to it formation at the earliest.

But the celebration did not last long as the day progressed on 10th of Dec several MLS’s across party line resigned in protest to the statement given by Chidambaram the Home Minister demanding unified Andhra to remain.

The chorus on this demand was supported by the Congress party MP’s and MLA’s too, they where to most active in protest, going totally against the dictates of the party high command the Congress leaders on the State from Rayalseema, and Costal Andhra. The agitative mood and aggressive expression over night shifted from Telangana shifted to otherwise peaceful and disciplined regions of Costal Andhra and Rayalseema. The agitators burned and damaged public property and disturbed normal life in cities like many cities and districts of Andhra and Rayalseema regions of A P.

The reaction from political parties which heralded the cause of formation of Telangana in 2009 Elections TDP and PRP not able to control the situation by resignations of many of the Andhra and Raylseema MLS’s back tracked on the issue of Telangana under the changed circumstances, diluting there political stand on separate state of Telangana, This is Politics we can expect the unexpected by our political leaders even the likes of Chnadrababu and Chiranjeevi could spare themselves.

With several Hunger strikes by business interests giants like Rajgopal MP from Congress, and brother of YSR joining the voice to keep the state united, with many others in various districts protesting the complication and uncertainty increased in the state. The Central leadership of congress kept its vigil and the state CM Roshiah kept and tried to keep the conditions under control with mix of success and failure. Add to the fire to the fury the many hero of Andhra agitation to keep AP united in his 8th day of hunger strike broke the police bandobast and sneaked out of the govt hospital in Vijaywada on 10th 10 15 pm only to be surfaced in dramatic manner in NIMS hospital, on 21st Dec this embarrassed the state govt and the police dept.

As this was not enough Rajgopal ( Lagapati) MP’s who is protesting against formation of Telangana added like a catalyst to the separate Telangana agitator who where silent and were in mood of celebration and waiting for the govt to being the process of the resolution and the formation of the state of Telangana, became violent and protested at the NIMS against the stand taken by Lagapati Rajgopal MP the leader of united Andhra Agitation.

The situation has become worst and the tempers on both sides have grown. Andhra Pradesh a otherwise a peaceful and state which produce thousands of engineers, and IT professional keep its young section of the population busy with intense involvement in studies is harming its main asset base knowledge and educational discipline.

What ever is to be done the key would be it has to done quickly and make things clear and allow the minds to rest and settle. All representatives of the parties involved to the conflict, Telangana, Costal Andhra, Rayalseema and the Central Govt and the State Govt should enter in to a close door dialogue for several session and reach to common terms and amicably solve this issue to the benefit of all parties concern.

The tempers are high and damage is huge this will percolate further and could harm in a way it could be a point of no return.

Dr. Singh Please do your best and let the state and its people agree to your advice and decision as PM of the Nation and a person who cares for the aspirations of lakhs of people of AP and its regions.

Muslims Celebrate Eid ul Fitr, with Traditional Glory, Around the World. India will Celebrate on Monday.

September 20, 2009 Leave a comment

Muslims around the world woke up Sunday and welcomed the end of a long month of fasting with hearty greetings of “Eid Mubarak,” or happy festivities.

Egyptian women perform the Eid al-Fitr dawn prayer at a stadium in Mansura, 120 km north of Cairo.

Egyptian women perform the Eid al-Fitr dawn prayer at a stadium in Mansura, 120 km north of Cairo.






Egyptian women perform the Eid al-Fitr dawn prayer at a stadium in Mansura, 120 km north of Cairo.

The faithful were ushering in Eid al-Fitr — three days of celebrations that Muslims mark with joyous community prayers, acts of charity, visits from far-flung relatives, gift-giving and elaborate feasts.

“Think Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year’s — all rolled into one. It’s that huge for us,” said Sajjad Aziz of Hoboken, New Jersey.

Islam follows a lunar calendar, and the timing of Eid al-Fitr varies around the world depending on when the crescent of a new moon is sighted.

So, while most countries — including the United States — observed Eid on Sunday, some will begin their celebrations on Monday.

The night before Eid, entire communities gather on rooftops, scanning the sky with giddy anticipation.

“It only needs one sighting of the moon in the whole country, and the whole nation erupts in cheers,” said Qazi Arif, 35, of Sirajgong, Bangladesh. “It’s a divine feeling, hard to describe.”

Eid al-Fitr bids goodbye to Ramadan — a month of dawn-to-dusk abstinence from food, drinks and other sensual pleasures. Muslims believe the Quran, the religion’s holy book, was revealed to Prophet Muhammad during Ramadan more than 1,400 years ago.

The Eid is one of two major holidays in Islam, alongside another called Eid al-Adha. The latter commemorates the prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, for God.

On the morning of Eid, Muslims don new clothes and head to prayers that are often held in open fields to accommodate crowds too big to contain in mosques.

Those who can afford it donate a small percentage of their possession or its equivalent to the poor and needy so they too can avail themselves for the celebrations. Feasts await at every house.

“It’s a festival principally about community. We’re even asked to take a different route when we walk back from prayers so that we can meet different sets of people to greet and celebrate with,” said Wasim Iqbal of Karachi, Pakistan.

For Muslims in North America — and countries where they are the minority — Eid is a more subdued affair.

“If you have family close by, then you can kind of capture the mood that you remember from back home,” said Abdallah Gamal, a native of Egypt who lives in St. Louis, Missouri. “But it’s not the same.”

Because the U.S. Census does not ask about religious affiliation, it is difficult to gauge the Muslim population in the United States. The Pew Muslim American study conducted two years ago estimated it at 2.5 million, while the Council on American-Islamic Relations places it as high as 6 million.

On Saturday, both President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton offered greetings to American Muslims.

“We know there is more than unites peoples of faith than divides us,” Clinton said. “So as Ramadan draws to a close, let us hold on to that spirit of community throughout the year to achieve our common goals of peace, prosperity and stability.”

It is a message that Afghanistan’s president, Hamid Karzai, also shared during Eid prayers when he called on the Taliban to join the peace process in his war-weary country.

The day wasn’t one of universal comity, however.

In Yemen, the government and rebels accused each other Saturday of breaking a cease-fire they both asked for to commemorate Eid.

And Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei used his Eid sermon to launch another volley at the country’s arch-rival Israel and at Western powers.

“We’re not quite there, I’ll will admit,” said Mehreen Ali of Boston, Massachusetts. “But have you seen an Eid prayer? Rows and rows of Muslims all prostrating together in unison. It’s a feeling of such unity and brotherhood. You have to believe that with that spirit present, anything is possible.”

Muslims around the world woke up Sunday and welcomed the end of a long month of fasting with hearty greetings of “Eid Mubarak,” or happy festivities.

In india the Prime Minister of India in his message to the Nation and to the Muslims said.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Sunday greeted the nation on the eve of Eid-ul-Fitr, saying the festival reflected the true spirit of India’s composite culture.

 Eid-ul-Fitr, to be celebrated on Monday, marks the end of the period of fasting during the holy month of Ramzan. Eid is celebrated on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal.

 “The festival commemorates austerity, brotherhood and the spirit of sharing. It reflects the true spirit of our composite culture. May the festival strengthen our resolve to promote tolerance and peace and live in harmony,” prime minister said.





Rahul Eyes 2014, ( Part 1 ) Is Ambitious looking Congress a Concern for Allies

September 16, 2009 3 comments
DoBritish Foreign Secretary David Miliband, right, shakes hands with a village boy, as Indian lawmaker Rahul Gandhi looks on in Semra village, India, Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009. Miliband spent a night in the house of a Dalit family, the group once known in India as "untouchables," at the invitation of Gandhi, according to news reports. ( we see a modern Mahatma in Making.

Are we Seeing Making of Modern Mahatma in this Gandhi. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, right, shakes hands with a village boy, as Indian lawmaker Rahul Gandhi looks on in Semra village, India, Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2009. Miliband spent a night in the house of a Dalit family, the group once known in India as "untouchables," at the invitation of Gandhi, according to news reports. ( we see a modern Mahatma in Making.


 Tactful Moves Saw Congress in Drivers Seat in 2009

Nation showed signs Congress Emerging as a Party which now can develop the lost grounds in sates like ,UP, Tamil Naidu, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Bihar, Madhya Pradesh
After successful campaign which saw the Congress and its allies in UPA put breaks on the Saffron Brigade and silencing the accusations of the Main Opposition Party BJP on Dr. Manmohan Singh as ineffective Prime Minister, taking all his dictates from the Cong President Sonia Gandhi. Reducing the authority and dignity of post of PM. With the Ballots. And

Rahul Gandhi’s handling of UP Politics, and The way allies of UPA like Lalu Parsad, who lost face due there adamant stand on seat sharing. And leaders like Sharad Pawar loosing the shine in there strong holds, gave rise to a very aggressive political mane ours on the part of its leader Sonia Gandhi. Bouncing back to power in Kerala in the form of Sahshi Taroor a face from young, corporate congress with room for greater transparency and effective governance, and niche.

Congress Consolidating and BJP Fizzling Out.
While BJP was busy sorting out egos of senior leaders like Rajnath sing and Arun jaitli and Shushma Swaraj and Venkiah Naidus. Congress was making intelligent alliances and stretching the relations with its allies where it mattered and breaking allies where it did not matter, ruthlessly.
Allies Relations on Merits  
DMK was kept dear, Lalu rejected, Amar Singh and Mulayam tactfully pulled in to the net, Farooq and Omar kept as family, giving greater authority to Rajsheker Redddy Govt in AP to run the state politics, Pushing an effective alliance with Mamata Benerjee. and saying good bye with a smile to left by signing the Nuclear Deal with US. And handling the North Star Rajstan riding on the mistakes of BJP Rajesindia Govt Failures, and Cashing the Delhi Shiela Govt. Achievements.

Security & Terrorism did not go Ballot Boxes, The issues were, Development and Secular Credentials and Inclusive Nation

Security was a Major issue, which reached its peek with the attack on Mumbai by Paskistan based terror organizations proving the master minds in them exposed the govts inefficiency, brought pain and agony to the hundreds and insecurity at its lowest in the Country the Common People feared.

Series of accusations and counter accusations by the media, people, opposition and international bodies concluded terror was an international issue and it is collective responsibility of the world nations to fight this menace. The people did not take the issue to the ballot boxes. But still the threat of  Terror has not subsided either in our neighbouring nations nor in our nation nor in other parts of the world, the war against terror by the world is in active mode with Obama admins. doing most in Afgahnistan and India, and US moving to find solutions to curb terror.  

They the People of India,  had greater issues in mind like development, jobs, infrastructure, education, farmer protection to unfriendly monsoons, rising prices commodities, power, health, and development of Backward and Minorities. And good governance, polarization on the lines of religon was matter of past, hopefully it will remain so.

Minorities see Hope in Rahul like they see in Dr. Singh
Sachar Committee Recommendations still pending with the congress in spite willingness of Dr. Manmohan Singh the Minorities still in a state of confusion, wanted to go with congress in anticipation that a stronger congress will find it comfortable to implement the Sachar Committee Recommendation in the term to come. Muslims saw Manmohan Singh a Friend and himself a member of Minority Community a better person to understand them. The Minorities is very closly watch the actions and the performance of UPA govt and the measures the govt is taking specially the signals coming out of Kapil Sibal”s office sound encouraging on the Educational policy for the Muslim Madrasas and govt. move to bring in the Disadvantaged in  Muslim comunity in to the Main Strem too.
Minorities Remember the Let Down by Congress too.
Rahul and Sonia are linage of the party Minorities been loyal since ages barring the Failure of Narsima Rao Govt to protect Babri Masjid when Muslims wanted to punish Congress. Congress will hold them very close to chest.
The Dalit Vote Bank shift from BSP and Caste Based Political Parties, Sign of Greater Strenght to Congress in Coming years.

Backward classes who were kept content with slogans rather than real development and economic relief by the BSP Mayawat Party in UP and few other states., and Mulayam joining hands with leaders like Kalyan Singh distanced Muslims in UP. Added to advantage congress

The lower repesentations of Muslims in Parliament in the Assemblies is of great concern to the Muslims. there has to be a good measure to moves to give the right political measure to them, by enforecing few measures like political comforting areas and pocket asssigned for them.

In all People of India saw able PM in Dr. Singh, and Efficient Leader in Sonia Gandhi, and Hope and confidence in Rahul Gandhi to build the legacy of the able Leaders of Congress in the Past on his own metal not just as a member of Gandhi Family this is what is going to make the difference in 2014 Elections

Rahul Eyes 2014.
The Series of Moves in Recent times indicate the Focus of Rahul Gandhi and the Congress High Command and an Eye on 2014 for Rahul Gandhi. Weather it is austerity move, travel by train to Ludhiana to address a youth rally, or rebuilding of Youth Congress in Tamil Naidu. Or Fitness Training in confines of 10 Janpath, Speaking about the poorest and meeting them in there huts with true care and concern for the needy in the Country surely the Eyes on 2014.
And Tragic Death of most trusted and strongest support in the South the late Rajsheker Reddy and his popular image with the minoritis and the poor, changing senario in wake of flaws in infrastructural projects governance by Shiela Dixit Govt. The polls showing signs of Modi still a force in Gujrat, and BJP with RSS coming to its support and diminishing the authority of BJP. How the years will unfold in a Economical Recession still bothering. We need to watch how the pages of history will unfold for Rahul and we the people of India.

We will explore this and more in next part in our series of Rahul Eyes 2014

Part 2 ( In series on Rahul Gandhi Eyes 2014 )

Condolence Messages of Singh, Sonia, Rahul on YSR

September 5, 2009 Leave a comment

PM , Sonia Gandhi, and Rahul Gandhi Consoling Wife of Late Y S R and spending moments sharing teh grief and pain that the Family and the Congress Party suffered in untimely death of YSR.

September 04,2009

Hyderabad, Sep 4 (IANS) Following are the messages Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and party general secretary Rahul Gandhi wrote in the condolence book after paying homage to Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy:

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh:

In the sad and most untimely demise of Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, our country has lost an outstanding leader and the people of Andhra Pradesh have lost an ideal Chief Minister who was personally concerned to the welfare of the poor.

My heartfelt sympathies go to the members of the bereaved family and the people of Andhra Pradesh.

Congress president Sonia Gandhi:

I am here to bid my last farewell to my colleague Chief Minister Rajasekhara Reddy. A dynamic, visionary, progressive leader who throughout his career strived for the upliftment of the poor, of the farmers, for the empowerment of women and welfare of children.

As Chief Minister he was untiring in his effort to work for the people of the state.

For us in the Congress Party his passing is a huge loss. We shall always cherish his contribution and we shall take inspiration from the manner in which day and night he worked tirelessly for all sections of society.

I convey my deep felt condolences to his family, his friends and supporters.

Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi:

YSR was true leader. Andhra Pradesh and India have had a tremendous loss. I personally learnt a lot from the Chief Minister. He is an inspiration to those who would like to impact the lives of the poor people of our country. It is a sad day for all of us. My condolences to the family and the people of Andhra Pradesh.

BJP with house in Shambles, Irritated on a Good Advice from Manmohan Singh.

August 31, 2009 Leave a comment
Manmohan Singh getting pushed by BJP for giving good advice.

Manmohan Singh getting pushed by BJP for giving good advice.

 “In fighting is not Good. In a democarcy stability of politcal parties is necessary, if there is instability, it will have impact on the County. ” This is what Dr. Sing said to a media person when asked about crisis in BJP. 

To this BJP reacted by saying .  

The Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is worried about BJP,  we have told him to worry about Price Rise and Drought in the Country. And give relief to the people. We will worry about BJP,  You worry about the people and if you don’t we will compel you to, by agitations.” Said Jawaldekar of BJP.

Singh has given a logically correct statement. In a democratic functioning of a Nation an answer  to a question raised to him very rightly by a Media Person to comment of the present infighting and deteriorating state of affairs in BJP and failure of its leaders on various fronts, and infighting.


True, in a democratic set up you need stable govts. Stable Political Parties, and clear direction for the Nation. And unless there is discipline in political parties, be the Opposition Party like BJP or Ruling Party Congress with its allies i.e. UPA Party discipline is first step towards good governance as the leader on the top and the people who are positioned to take decisions for the people of the nation are confident, with little to worry about there own internal affairs.


A good peace of advice from Mr. Manmohan Singh should be taken in right sprit by BJP and its not so permanent Leaders Mr. Rajnath Singh and L K Advani there is no harm is hearing to Dr. Singh at least there is on who is sincere in giving advice to BJP such advice is scarcely coming from with in BJP.


The blunt reaction relating his comments to lack of focus on Drought and Price rise is a bit too loud thought.  Mr. Manmohan Singh is the PM of the country his concern is holistic towards the nation, his concerns will be many and focuses many simultaneously.


India needs good party to rule her and a good party to be in oppositition, to have proper checks and balances.  In the manner in which the present main opposition party is functioning will it be loosing the tooth to be a good opposition party in Parliament? Let us see the time will tell us, we hear allsorts of allegations on L K Advani, and other leaders in BJP. Time will speak.

Categories: BJP, Manmohan Singh, politics

Journey of Freedom, Pandit Nehru to Manmohan Singh.

August 15, 2009 1 comment
 Pandit Nehru addressing India in Free air of Independece 1947 from Majestic of Red Fort coplex build by Shah Jehan in 17 th Century.

Pandit Nehru addressing India in Free air of Independece 1947 from Majestic of Red Fort coplex build by Shah Jehan in 17 th Century.


While we Celebrate our 62nd Independence Day we have lessons to learn, Dreams to Accomplish, and Tears to Wipe, Faces yet to smile, Freedom for many yet to achieve, Deserved celebrations we have earned in areas few, but still there are many a sorrowed hearts which long for comfort after a journey of freedom and liberty we have since 62 years now.

As I move my fingures on my laptop to pen few sentences in Memory of 1947  15th Aug, our Moment of Freedom from the British, my gardener, informs me he is collecting few roses form  the garden to be part of  flag hoisting ceremony,  I said these flowers are lucky.

Manmohan Singh P M addressing India in Closed Air. Our journey becoming tough as we reach 2009 leaving behind 1947

Manmohan Singh P M addressing India in Closed Air.

Our journey becoming tough as we reach 2009

leaving behind 1947


Hope we each Indians get lucky too, and   tastes the real Freedom and none remains pained and none with an un-wiped tear.   As we celebrate our 62nd year of Freedom, there are millions who sleep with fear, where would their next meal come from, to feed themselves and their loved ones.  Hope, Justice, Equality and power of true freedom protects him and remains his best friend.    

Our leaders Lal Bahadur Sahsrty raised his voice “Jai Jawan and Jai Kisan” India Gandhi slogan of “Gareebi Hataoo” and Pandit Nehru. Modern vision for Industries is our Temples of Prosperity and Social Justice and Economic Liberty. 

We know we in our hearts that neither we succeeded in satisfying our Armed Forces who protect our boundaries, nor we succeed in putting an end to the agony of our Farmers who commit suicide due to lack of resources, Our industry is suffering and we still are dependent of many a thinks on imports, and Gareebi is still the main problem, we are still not able to provide jobs and opportunities to all and pull them out of the levels of poverty. Why?

Our boundaries are still unprotected, our people die in hundreds in the name of Terror,  Enemy with in, Religious, Regional, Social,  and Ethinic, intolerance.  We still see people who love to divide us in the name of religion, caste, and region.

Will it be true to say, we are allowing our enemy, external, or with in to be stronger than the values, and determination we inherited from of forebears of our struggle for freedom. 

We have walked as a Nation a long Way forward, our leap could have been still longer but for our failures, and complete determination to be fully united and look up as one people and one nation and face the challenges with determination and courage.  We have issues yet not settled in many quarters of our vast spread of cultural, ethnic, religious, regional, linguistic, social, political, body of free India.

Did we give long rope to our, selfish, ignorant,  corruption, lethargy, divisiveness,  lack of tolerance, greed for power, indiscipline,  in us to ride  body of our true self in  free India. Could this be our reason for short on our leap in the historic manner as Indians?  Yet…

Are we a people with Rich becoming richer, and poor become the poorest. We see big giants in co prorate culture unsatisfied with their greedy to grab the market shares and rivalry among them to show the other competitor in low light.  Small entrepreneurs getting wiped off in struggle to survive.  Why is it so, important to be greedy and can they not be, sharing, bringing contentment with inclusive growth of all people.

May we see the wisdom and appreciate the strength of unity, and love, comfort to our hearts, power of sharing, and happiness of living together. My heart beat for the millions who are yet to taste the true taste of Freedom and reminds me of what our First Prime Minister and Freedom Fighter; Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru spoke on 14th Aug 1947 at the stroke of Mid Night in Parliament Hall in Delhi.

Part transcript speech of Pundit Nehru 14th Aug, Mid Night 1947 in Parliament Hall.   Pundit Nehru said.

At the stroke of midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.

It is fitting that at this solemn moment we take the pledge of dedication to India and her people and to the still larger cause of humanity.

The achievement we celebrate today is but a step, an opening of opportunity, to the greater triumphs and achievements that await us. Are we brave enough and wise enough to grasp this opportunity and accept the challenge of the future?

Freedom and power bring responsibility. That responsibility rests upon this assembly, a sovereign body representing the sovereign people of India.

 That future is not one of ease or resting but of incessant striving so that we might fulfil the pledges we have so often taken and the one we shall take today. The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity. The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over.

Nehru appealed in his closing remarks to the full house and the members then

“To the people of India whose representatives we are, we make appeal to join us with faith and confidence in this great adventure. This is no time for petty and destructive criticism, no time for ill-will or blaming others. We have to build the noble mansion of free India where all her children may dwell.”

Are, our leaders of today ready to take this advice from Pundit Nehru, and work still harder to fulfil the dream seen by him, and  satisfy the desire and, ambition of  Gandhiji our Father of the Nation and greatest man India has seen, “ to wipe every tear from every eye”.   

Let us make our Nation Proud by our deeds and wilful goal to make it caring nation of the world, which has learned to respect its citizens and takes pain to give relief to millions, left out, even as we celebrate today 62 long years of Freedom.  

  Jai hind,

 Hindi hain ham hamwatan hai

sare jahan  se accha Hindustan Hamara.

Indian Bill on Equal Rights. In wake of Discirmination faced by Minorities.

August 14, 2009 1 comment




(FILES)In this picture taken 15 August 2005, Dr Manmohan Singh a Minority Sikh Prime Minister of India delivers his speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort in New Delhi. The Red Fort complex was built as  fort by Shahjahan, the fifth Mughal Emperor of India, who reigned from 1628 to 1658.  It is possible a Dalit, a Muslim or a Cristian can address the nation on a Aug 15th from Red Fort As Prime Minister of India.

(FILES)In this picture taken 15 August 2005, Dr Manmohan Singh a Minority Sikh Prime Minister of India delivers his speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort in New Delhi. The Red Fort complex was built as fort by Shahjahan, the fifth Mughal Emperor of India, who reigned from 1628 to 1658. It is possible a Dalit, a Muslim or a Cristian can address the nation on a Aug 15th from Red Fort As Prime Minister of India.



























Govt on Right Side of Law.

The government move to think and introduce a bill in the parliament,  This has to stop,  discriminating on the basis of caste religion or region, will weaken the unity of our People and Nation.

This is seen in western world too, promoting racist tenderises, was common, in many parts of West,   it  has changing fast,  and thus we see in the election of Barack Hussain Obama as President of Democratic America has become a reality,  in nation plagued with racial hate and discrimination that few decades back   did not allow blacks the right to vote in US.  


Hurting the Ethos and Values on which our Nation Stands.

Discrimination of all kinds is un welcome. The Society for  homogeneous We  Indians are a cultured society, looking forward to reach heights of cultural growth and wellness of our nation.

It is not the question of a celebrity or a section of the society being discriminated, it is about how our so called elite of our society and cross section of our society think and act in their personnel life, how dear is Nation and its people to them. They only do lip service and still follow the age old evil act of discrimination which Father of the Nation fought and sacrificed his life for eradicating unsociability and right and bother hood of Hindus and Muslims we are hurting the ethos and values on which our nation stands.


Reports in media on discrimination in buying house in Mumbai 14TH OF Aug 2009 IBNlive.

New Delhi: First, actor Shabana Azmi alleged discrimination in buying a house in Mumbai, then her colleague from Bollywood Emran Hashmi too allegedly faced the same problem. Not just that, the Delhi Police recently released a booklet on how people from the Northeast should conduct themselves in the city. All these cases and many more have prompted the UPA government to finalise a law to provide equal opportunity to all.

The Bill in its current form gives powers to a Commission to deal with cases related to education, employment and any other area as notified by the government.

Sources in the Minority Affairs Ministry say housing will be first to be added to this list at the time of notification and the proposed law will be applicable to both public and private sector. The Equal Opportunity Commission will have powers to recommend to the states and the Centre to hand out disincentives.

For example, a housing society guilty of discrimination could have its tax incentives or water and power connections at concessional rates withdrawn.”Housing is the most important problem. It’s because of this we are witnessing the ghetto culture in major cities,” says spokesperson of All India Muslim Personal Board, S Q R Illyas.Soon the bill is to be put before the Cabinet for approval and the Government wants it to be introduced in parliament in the coming Winter Session. 


All are Eqal in the Eyes of Law.

Constitution gives us the fundamental right as Equals in the eyes of law, and when it comes to social and economic justice. We Indian belong to each inch of Indian where ever we are born in India, which ever Caste, Region, or Religion we belong. A tactical and instigative isolation or discrimination for all quarters of society should be punishable offence in the eyes of the nation and its people. This is not the first time there are bodies in Gujarat who boastfully spread hate and discrimination in housing societies against Muslims Minorities.

It may not be fully true in the case of Minorities alone; this can be the problem with Majority Community too, in Areas of the Society where the Minorities are dominant.

An act to punish such discriminators is most welcome to protect our national integration and unity and inculcate in our diverse sections UPA govt and its leaders and the Prime Minister should be supported in this matter.

India can see a Muslim, a Dalit, or a Christian its Prime Minister soon

Opening up the subject the right of equal opportunity is a very wide and right expression.  Our nation does not discriminate in its political and administrative set up when it comes to raising common men from all sections of the Indian diverse nation to the levels of President, Chief Justice, and Prime Minister and Defence Ministers we have examples, of Dr, Man Mohan Sing a Minority Sikh Community Becoming the Prime Minister and A P J Abul Kalam becoming President of Democratic India both were welcome with full respect and authority in the positions held.

Minority Prime Minister of India a Possibility.

There will be a day when a Muslim or a Dalit or a Christian will be seen to head the Post of Prime Minister of India the Constitution gives us all equal opportunity and regards our merits and right man will always be welcome to lead it is just that he needs to raise himself to the levels of competence like Dr Sing and   A P J Abdul Kalam.  Our children from Minority community of India can raise themselves to the level of leading our nation and taking it to new heights of success by becoming the Prime Minister of India. This is very health possibility of the future.

India is Awake – Victory for Seculalrism and Virdect to Perform.

May 19, 2009 Leave a comment


L- R, Dr Manmohan Singh, Congress party president Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi

 Nation of Unity

Verdict for Performance, Unity, Secularism and Strong India, which can be groomed to lead the nations of the world in years to come. This is  a Historic moment for India as the Majority Hindus  community  has loved to see the Muslims brothers as equal    partners with them in journey to  building a new  India with renewed  confidence, unity, security and hard work. Victory for Indian Hindus and Muslims together.

 Effect Collective Leadershp

 Indian Voter has won, Indians have shown and put their confidence in Dr.Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi’s Dual capabilities, supported by Rahul and Pranab Mukerjee and their team. 

 Celebrations began as early as 9 am in the morning at Sonia Gandhi’s residence. This will be govt with determination and courage to take strong and bold decision which will be minus the road blocks set be left lost its redness and reduced  to pale yellow, even in West Bengal and Kerala.

 Son Rise in UP and  Mamta in Bengal.

 Congress has broken the dogma that Congress is no more a power in UP states like UP and West Bengal. Congress after decades found its roots again by performing winning them back. Due to good home work and performance of Rahul in UP and Mamta in West Bengal. 

 Almost all the states have performed,  greater than the expectations of the congress high command  even in states lik  Delhi,  and  Rajastan,  Andhra Pradesh. The strong holds of Congress.  

 BJP not Trusted  to Govrn India.

 Indian voter   Rejected BJP   led by L K Advani, and sent a message that BJP I not 

The party which the voter likes to entrust the faith to govern India in this verdict.

 It looks, India has no space for parties like BJP, who think they can rule India on the policy of Divide between people  on  religious lines, and play politics of hate against one particular community.

 Bigning of End of Modi

 In Gujrat Nareder Modi gets the taste of how it feels to get pushed to a corner and begin to get isolated, and suffocate with his party loosing badly in run up to Power in Parliament.  This is the beginning of the end of Modi in Gujrat and India. Thaks to the enlightiened Hindus voters who rejected Hinductva agenda, and leaders advocateing it very clearly with out any hasitation, and fear.   

 Emergence to people’s power,

 People have given a clear verdict that they will not tolerate the divisive political leaders and parties and allow India to be tainted as a communal, narrow, minded. 

 Mulsims thank  Hindu Brothers. 

 India is secular,   because Hindus are primarily secular by Heart.    Muslims appreciate this fact and would like to thank them for rejecting BJP. And giving India a new confidence and upholding the ethos and values it stood for ages. Long Live India.    

 Deserted in hour of  Pain

 BJP  leaders  deserted  L K  Advani in the hour of Pain when the elder leader in eighties was left alone with one to express his agony and coming to terms to the fact that he lost the last opportunity to be PM of  India as he is not expected to the around in 2014  Lok Sabha elections.  My sympathy is with him I wished he worked a better combination rather than Babri and Muslim agenda.  Even Sangh was not seen to share the pain of L K Advani in the hour of pain.

Congress caution, this is time to Perform Pl.

Sonia, Manmohan, Rahul, Pranab and their allies deserve to be congratulated for excellent work. This is for them with great expectations on performance in areas of interest which the voter expects them to deliver.  With  confidence and hope that this govt will deliver and use the power given by us to rule this nation in the norms of constitution and keep the common man and  advantaged in us

 This is enough for now I will be back with a comprehensive programme for our demands and expectation in the coming five years from UPA gotvt.

Are Voters Abused and Cheated by Politicians ?, if not, Are we failing to give clear Verdict ?

May 15, 2009 1 comment


sonia and manmohan example of trust and leadership

sonia and manmohan example of trust and leadership Power Brokers in DemandElection 2009 ones again has sWe the voters have to take the responsibility for projecting a fractured mandate. Voters Cheated How long are we the voters going to be cheated by parties who give high promises in their manifestos and election rallies and loud commitments in public, for getting our valuable vote? And the moment they get our votes without even waiting for the results, change the tune and sing songs of bargain, and u turn form the promises they made. Confidence in Major Political Parties reducing Failure by the main political parties to give confidence of their capabilities to value the aspirations of the voters, and promising a stable govt. is one of the major reason for the confusion in the minds of the voters which distract them and allow them to be carried away by the smaller parties with local issues based of caste, region, and personalities. Large Objectives are key Greater and more crucial issues of unity, building, magnitude of great democratic power, build and improve the image in the world economic and political lobbies to empower India to become a leader of the world nations and cruise towards the status of a developed, prosperous, economically independent, with great social justice and security in a strong nation India. Should be possible with strong govt at the centre.children waiting for parents out side polling booth, praying for better tomarrrow

et a stage for horse trading and opportunity for power brokers of our fractured polity, with local issues and parties of individual leaders over powering the national issues.  Another five years of uncertain and weak governance is staring the nation on its face.


 Small Group –  Big Bargain

 Weather it is north south east or west we see individuals representing sections of society on the basis of caste and region, or power brokers who mustered few friends in the big corporate houses and people with political ambitions and glamour and power equations which suit to give needed support in political houses to achieve the targets and supremacy in the race for positioning themselves run up to no 1, 2, 3, slots in corporate world.

Strong Govt at Centre is Our Need Today

 We   say the value of vote to bring just and able leader to govern and make India  home of  comfort to its common man, give justice, security, quality infrastructure, clean air and water, and discipline.

 But, success comes from stability of a strong govt which can take bold decisions both internal and external with determination and courage. If the govts are week dependent on small parties which hardly have one, two or three members of parliament to support the govt so formed will be always under threat of being blackmailed and pulled off of flimsy and selfish reasons.

 Congress under Dr. Singh can be one

 Congress took a bold step in tackling the nuclear deal with usa, it did not care loosing the power much before the slated general elections 2009 and govt led by a clean personal like Dr Manmohan Sing came under criticism of horse trading, money changing hands and horrific display of cash on the benches of parliament bringing shame to the nation.  Were they compulsions? Had the govt been strong and not fragile the shameful display could have been saved. The political compulsions would not have dragged the polity to go so low of playing the blame game.

 Only ones and Nation above All will do the Magic

If we Indians care for our national pride and wish to give this country a stable and strong govt and make this nation strong, we should learn to vote clear govts and political formations lead by a major political groups which will have political wisdom, presence and desire to take the nation together with cords which will raise the tone of unity and oneness and nation above all local and regional issues and personalities cult. I wish it was as simply as writing them here.

 Sonia Gandhi Was Bold to go all alone in Elect. 2009

 One such exercise was done by the Congress party in 2009 elections where in Mrs Sonia Gandhi with her wisdom in able consultations with her advisors and AICC members took a very bold and calculated risk of fighting 2009 Elections with its own strength and ask the nation to put trust in it to give a strong national represented govt at the centre. After the not very comfortable experience of running the govt in forces like Left, SP, BSP and Lalus, and TRS, Mayas, Etc.

 Success for Congress, Time to select right Allies.

 The experience partially paid off with the strength of Left, and few other decreasing.

The vote share of congress is retained with losses in some quarters and gains in some.  Over all the performance has projected Congress of as single largest political National party which with a combination of secular parties once again is at the verge of forming the govt at the centre.  This time the choice of allies is more concrete as the formation will be based on the principles of national security, growth, economic liberty, development, and certain major decision on the cards for

People responded to the Call of Sonia Gandhi

 To a great extent congress was given encouragement in this direction this is good try hope fully the next time around the trend will come for giving the driving power to major political party in the centre and allowing the local parties at the state levels to address the local issues with out diluting the national interest and issue faced by the country both internal and external. With clear economic, defence, external policy, and security issues firmly controlled by the govt in power at the centre.

 Two views of our major two Political Majors. BJP and Congress.  

 We say secular combinations and power sharing formulas of secular forces in the nation. Who pledge to give the nation strength in building this nation on the basis of equality and rights to all sections of the society? 

 On the other hand we have combination   which is lead by another major political combination NDA which still likes to build on the politics of divide and on the basis of religion and caste using poster boys like Varun G.

 Muslims Played Constructive role t in Nation Building in Verdict 2009

 The beauty is the Minorities are very conscious and responsible lot they know the arithmetic’s of power share in present times. They are improving form election to election and will hopefully be improving further to   give India good governance and using the valuable votes to make the future better.   

 Muslims are cautious in putting their weight with the local combinations of state run political net works and ideologies. The stage is also getting clear, as the in future and in the present times Muslims realize that they can do most to keep India Secular, Nationalistic and Progressing, by casting their vote consciously.

 Why Majority Hindu is divided

 The Majority Community of India is fractured among Yadavs Babus, Dalit, Forward and Backward classes’ regional and social divisions.  We need to look at a holistic image of the nation and side with performance and improvement in conditions we live. And build self respect for all.   

Good states govern. By both BJP and Congress Camps.

BJP the party and its few visionary leaders like Chauhan of Madhaya Pradesh gave good governance and govt. for the people with clear agenda of doing best on the basic issues of the common man and necessities. The govt of Mr. Chauhan in M P is a good example which the BJP can take keeping the contagious and controversial issues like Masjid and Mandir.

 If  Bhagvan Ramji was alive he would be happy with the way Chauhan has served the state rather than the rhetoric of Advaniji to pledge again to link the growth of his party with the construction of Ram Mandir at Ayodha  on  Demolished  Babri Masjid with hurt to millions of Muslims and  Great Majority of  Secular Hindus and people of the world.  

Nations are combinations and even a small element of the combination should be the concern and purpose of the governing bodies.

 Nitish Kumar in Bihar, has shown us ones Lalu was indispensable and they used to say “ jab tak hai samose mai allo, Bihar main rehega Lalu.’  The samosa is still living but the lalu has perished in the fire of neglecting Bihar for decades.

 The Muslim and Yadav are no more falling prey to the magic of words they needed performance and the Nitish Kumar govt provided it but it may be not as expected but this govt needs a good central support and a strong central govt to support his agenda.

 Thus the parties should rise above the political and egoistic issues and opt for strong combination and a stable govt in centre.

 The Congress is having a great example in Dr. Shiela Disxit who showed the path for true inclusive political and developmental setup that has become almost a model for how states should function and live up to the aspirations of the people.

 Similarly the govt of Andhra Pradesh led by Dr. Y S Rajasheker Reddy. Being the first Chief Minister in several terms lead by Congress to complete five full successful years of good governance and a govt for the poor, needy, backward, minorities, and the business community providing excellent irrigation projects, infrastructure projects, social and uplifting the poor programmes, protection and support both financial and administrative to the minorities to improve their economic and literacy levels.  The Dr. Reddy proved to be a very bold and a go getter, he also had the share criticism but he survived all of it. There are few more examples of good.

 We the Judges of our Destiny

 We have a good people to govern and India is not short of talent every state and every party has good and bad examples it is important how to keep the bad out and the good in to the seat of governance. The judgement is yours, the able and enlightens voters of the new India. At the verge of making history by soon becoming the leader of the nations of the world. 

Let the Nation Be Vibrant and Fighting under Dr. Singh.

 The hope is in the formation under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh who in spite of troubled times, and non co operative alliance partners and issues like internal security and terrorism, rising prices, world recession, energy issue like nuclear deal with America.

 The govt of Dr. Manmohan Singh scored 8 out of 10 for it performance, and courage to tackle the issues before the nation. In the past 5 years. The momentum is on and the direction that the nation has taken on the path of growth and in tackling the various developmental, strategic, and social enlistment endeavours will have to continue with greater determination.

 Each day is crucial the people of India should not be pulled in to leg pulling the political parties should take this Q and help the Congress led combination of progressive and nationalistic govt be formed with the tooth to crack the tough nets in governance.

Power Broker Party